Brazillian Symphonic Prog-Power:
ANGRA Live in Hong Kong

ANGRA: Symphonic Progressive Power Metal Master from Brazil
Headliner: ANGRA
Symphonic Progressive Power Metal Master from Brazil

來自巴西的ANGRA,是在重金屬歷史中將古典與現代結合的先行者,音樂包含了power metal、progressive metal前衛金屬、交響與古典和巴西部落音樂的元素。1993年的第一作"Angels Cry"以新穎手法將將交響樂與power metal合成,令樂隊在歐美一嗚驚人,並已成為重金屬中的經典,1996年的第二作"Holy Land"則新穎地將巴西民族音樂加進heavy metal中,別具一格。經過1998年前衛路線的"Fireworks",重整陣容的ANGRA再完成"Rebirth" (2001)及"Temple of Shadows" (2004)令樂隊在置際間的名聲再上層樓,特別是04年的"Temple of Shadows"已是新一代的symphonic progressive power metal經典。
為十月底發行的新專輯"Aurora Consurgens"作準備,及慶祝樂團的十五週年,這支巴西勁旅特地會10月22日星期日首次到香港為大家表演顯露其高超技術,將巴西節奏結合重金屬爆炸力的鼓手Aquiles Priester是當今矚目鼓手之一,而結他手Kiko Loureiro無論技術、創意或是調音皆達世界首屈一指之最高水平,已是公認為超越John Petrucci等前輩的新一代結他英雄,ANGRA比DREAM THEATER更高超的團體技術,和比STRAOVARIUS更爽更華麗的音樂,無論追隨的是IRON MAIDEN、JUDAS PRIEST一輩元老,DREAM THEATER一類的progressive metal,又或是STRATOVARIUS、SONATA ARCTICA、RHAPSODY等的power metal,ANGRA的音樂正正是會使你由衷熱愛的,尤其是如此世界級一線樂團兩小時長的表演門票只售$350,更絕對是難以錯過的超值機會!

Brazillian metal master ANGRA has become one of the most well-known metal acts in South America by assimilating power metal, progressive metal, classical and symphonic arrangements and folk music in one single entity. Since their symphonic metal debut "Angels Cry" in 1993, which had been coined as a metal classic of this era, these Brazillian took their first step to international stardom. Going through "Holy Land" (1996) that merged Brazillian tribal music with symphonic metal and "Fireworks" (1998) which embraced the old-school progressive edge, the band reformed with a new line up and released "Rebirth" (2001) and "Temple of Shadows" (2004). Both were symphonic metal at its best, and "Temple of Shadows" was enthroned "one of the best symphonic progressive power metal masterpieces in time". "Aurora Consurgens", the sixth and newest piece of work, is ready to unleash at the end of October.
To celebrate their 15th anniversary as well as the release of their new album, ANGRA are bringing us their first ever Hong Kong concert! The whole band is nothing short of talent. Aquiles Priester fuses Brazillion percussive rhythms with heavy metal drumming that makes a reputative drummer nowadays. Kiko Loureiro their lead guitarist is highly acclaimed for his skills, creativity and well tunings. He is already widely recognized as the new generation of guitar hero which ranks even higher than old masters say John Petrucci. The band themselves also surpasses the technicalism of DREAM THEATER and melodicism of STRATOVARIUS, yet more energetic and enjoyable which never fail to impress their audience even once. No matter you are fans of the hardcore old-school like IRON MAIDEN & JUDAS PRIEST, technical & progressive metal of DREAM THEATER, or power metal alike STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA & RHPSODY, ANGRA is the band no way to miss. Witnessing this yearly major event of Hong Kong metal only cost you $350, highly economic for this world class rock concert. Anymore questions?

ANGRA歷史與試聽 METHOD Bio & Trial Listen:
Bonus 1: ANGRA drummer Aquiles Priester drummer playing "Acid Rain"!
Bonus 2: Free Give-away ANGRA Disc at TRHK! 即上TRHK拎免費ANGRA試聽碟!

ANGRA Live in Hong Kong Info

日期 Date:October 22 2006 Sunday 06年10月22日 星期日

時間 Time:8:00pm - 10:00pm (2-hour Play Time!)

地點:The EDGE(香港中環雲咸街60號中央廣場地下)
Venue: The EDGE (G/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong)

地圖 Map to The EDGE

查詢電話 Enquiry:98675737(Mr. Lau 劉Sir)

票價 Price:預售 Advance $350 / 即場 Walk-in $400
Ticket available now! Venue capacity 300, thus hurry!

Ticket end can be used as a $20 coupon when shopping in TRHK!
(each purchase uses 1 coupon at max)

門票發售地點 Tickets Available At
Trinity Records Hong Kong

 Address: Shop 108, 1/F, Richmond Shopping Center, 109 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

 營業時間 Opening Hours:
 星期一至五 Monday - Friday:7:00pm - 10:00pm (closed on Wednesday in usual timetable)(平時星期三休息)
 星期六、星期日及公眾假期 Satuday, Sunday & Public Holidays:3:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.

No Dayoffs Before the ANGRA Concert!!!

查詢 Enquiry:
 電話 Phone:23832801 (Trinity Records Hong Kong) / 98675737(Mr. Lau 劉Sir)
 電郵 Email: /
 網頁 Website:

相關連結 Useful Links:
 ANGRA Official Website:
 Trinity Records Hong Kong:

ANGRA Discography (with Chinese reviews) ANGRA作品集連碟評
ANGRA - Angels Cry
Angels Cry (1993)
ANGRA - Holy Land
Holy Land (1996)
ANGRA - Fireworks
Fireworks (1998)
ANGRA - Rebirth
Rebirth (2001)
ANGRA - Rebirth World Tour: Live in Sao Paulo
Rebirth World Tour:
Live in Sao Paulo DVD (2002)
ANGRA -Temple of Shadows
"Temple of Shadows" (2004)
ALL Available at Trinity Records Hong Kong

ANGRA - Aurora Consurgens
New Album "Aurora Consurgens"
Out Soon in Late October / Early November 2006!!!

ANGRA歷史與試聽 METHOD Bio & Trial Listen:
Bonus 1: ANGRA drummer Aquiles Priester drummer playing "Acid Rain"!
Bonus 2: Free Give-away ANGRA Disc at TRHK! 即上TRHK拎免費ANGRA試聽碟!